In October 1917, following the United States’ entry into World War I, a group of independent oil men, many of whom became legendary in the history of Oklahoma and the petroleum industry, met in Tulsa, Oklahoma, to organize the Mid-Continent Oil and Gas Association. In 1919 they formed the Oklahoma-Kansas Division. It is one of the oldest petroleum associations in the United States. A principal purpose of the Association’s formation was to provide essential supplies of petroleum and petroleum product to the allied forces, helping the Allies, “to float to victory upon a wave of oil.” Mid-Continent’s contribution to that success helped establish it as an Association in which individuals working cooperatively could resolve mutual problems and achieve great results. These men included Frank Phillips, one of the founders of Phillips Petroleum Co.; E.

Marland, whose company became Conoco, Inc., and who later became Governor of Oklahoma; Alf M. Landon, later to be Governor of Kansas and Republican Presidential nominee in 1936. Suara panggil walet kalimantan. Skelly, founder of Skelly Oil Company and H. Champlin, founder of Champlin Oil Co. Also there was famous philanthropist Lew Wentz of Ponca City and prominent Oklahoma Citian Charles F. Kerr, co-founder of Kerr-McGee Oil Co., later to be Governor of Oklahoma and U.S.

1154 Geometry, Marcel Berger. 3301 El 11-s Y La Gorda / 9-11 and La Gorda - Y La Gorda, Jorge Timossi. 0098 Optical Spectroscopy in Chemistry and Biology-Progress. 5552 The Dog Who Found Christmas, Linda.

Senator, was president of the Oklahoma-Kansas Division from 1935 through 1941. These men and others were among those who set goals and formed policies for development of the Association and the petroleum industry. In 2013, the Mid-Continent Oil and Gas Association of Oklahoma rebranded itself as the Oklahoma Oil & Gas Association.

It is a non-profit association composed of oil and gas producers, operators, purchasers, pipelines, transporters, processors and service companies which represent a substantial sector of the oil and gas industry within the State of Oklahoma. The Oklahoma Oil & Gas Association is dedicated to the advancement and improvement of the oil and gas industry within the State of Oklahoma and throughout the United States. The activities of OKOGA include support for legislative and regulatory measures designed to promote both the well-being and best interests of the citizens of this state and a strong and vital petroleum industry within the State of Oklahoma and throughout the United States.

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