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Official URL: Abstract Tofu industrial development was still hampered by the limited storability problem. As one of the tofu damage caused by the growth of decay-causing microbes.

To overcome these problems, preservation efforts by using citric acid which also acts as coagulan material on the tofu processing. Horror tiles rpg maker vx ace spriters resource center. This research using Complete~y Randomized Design with six treatments and four replications. The treatments studied were citric acid concentration of 7.5%, 10%, 12.5%, 15%, 17.5% and 20%. Results showed that treatment concentration of citric acid to give significant effect on the pH coagulation of soy milk, rendemen, water content and protein content. The best treatment is obtained in the concentration of citric acid 15%, which produce tofu with the pH of 4.52, rendemen 168.19%, moisture content 78.0200%, protein content 17.98% and the texture of 0.1003 m /sec. The flavor value is 69, texture value is 59 and 49 colors. Until the third day of storage, resulting in a total ofmicrobes 4,9135 log CFU / g with tofu pH is 5.1.

Item Type: Article Subjects: Divisions: Depositing User: Users 2 not found. Date Deposited: 30 Mar 2011 14:47 Last Modified: 30 Mar 2011 14:47 URI: Actions (login required) View Item.