CopyBot is a program used in the game “Second Life.” It allows you to copy objects without the permission of their creators. CopyBot is capable of copying objects only. More complex code like scripts are unavailable for copying. CopyBot can be used to copy clothes, textures and prims.

But beware — using as CopyBot may get you banned from “Second Life.” Things You’ll Need: CopyBot, 2 Second Life accounts Instructions • Open the CopyBot program. • Click “Add Account,” then enter the details for the secondary “Second Life” account CopyBot will be using.


Enter the account’s user name and password, then click “Save.”.

How can the answer be improved? Second Life Viewer; New scary copybot viewer *growls*. Matsya purana english pdf. Seen youtube clips of people using neillife copy bot viewer hacks to turn Phoenix viewer from a legit.

A friend of mine told me about this site: (I've removed the link. Joanna) where you can create a account and download a ascent viewer wich easy copybots stuff.either skins or even objects. Hi, not sure about the ticket thing but for this viewers its easy to pretend be an accepted viewer. As long digital content exist there will be ways to copy it - with or without permission.

I guess you can only act if stolen things are uploaded into SL or any other Open Grid. Better be a DMCA (spelled right? We don´t have that here so maybe its DCMA.) that protects digital rights all over the net but you need to proof things are yours. As someone said in another thread, be quick do things make money and move on with a new idea.

Sad but thats our new virtual world that makes copy things easier than RL ever was.